Symposium Odor
The Odor, Immaterial Sculptures exhibition at the Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen is dedicated entirely to the power of smells. It brings together works that place odor as an experience of smell and space at the center of experiencing art. On display are intangible sculptures, including existing works and numerous new creations developed for this special exhibition, which confront visitors with the capabilities of our sense of smell.
Accompanying the exhibition, the international symposium will deepen the investigation with the sense of smell and the conditions of the immaterial. The invited speakers from art and science will open up current perspectives on the messages of scents in art and society.
FR. 27.1.23
Start of accreditation and guided tour of Odor, Immaterial Sculptures
with Lea März, Assistant Curator of the exhibition, MGKSiegen
5 pm
Dr. Marie Cathleen Haff, German Federal Cultural Foundation
In English
Welcome and introduction
Thomas Thiel, Director, MGKSiegen
In English
Olfactory Art: Origins, Predicaments, Challenges
Jim Drobnick, Professor of Contemporary Art and Theory, OCAD University Toronto, CA
In English
6 pm
Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo
Clara Ursitti, artist, Glasgow (UK)
In English
7 pm
Scent - the most underestimated medium of communication
Robert Müller-Grünow, Scentcommunication, Cologne
In German
SA. 28.1.23
10 a.m.
The importance of smelling in everyday life - findings from psychology and neuroscience
Ilona Croy, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
In German
11 a.m.
Smell as Sculpture. A question of language
Luca Vitone, Artist, Milan (IT) and Berlin
In English
12 pm
All about smelling and how it determines our lives
Hanns Hatt, Professor of Cell Physiology, Ruhr University Bochum
In German
Lunch break
2 pm
Composition in Three Notes / Reflections on Unconsciousness
Oswaldo Maciá, artist, Santa Fe (New Mexico, USA) and London (UK)
In English
Exhibiting smell and immateriality
Roundtable discussion with Jim Drobnick, Oswaldo Macia, Thomas Thiel, Clara Ursitti, Luca
Vitone,Florian Waldvogel (Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum)
In English
3.30 p.m.
The full programme including abstracts can be downloaded here.
Participation in the symposium is free of charge. Please register by email to with the subject "Symposium Odor". Participation in individual lectures is possible.
Odor, Immaterial Sculptures is being produced in collaboration with the Tyrolean Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum and will be shown in Innsbruck from April 27 to June 25, 2023, under different spatial conditions.
Exhibition kindly supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and Kunststiftung NRW.