WED. 9.4. 5 pm iCalPublic TourLook, the EyesIn simple language with Nicole Kreckel, Head of Education and Mediation (more)
THU. 8.5. 6 pm iCalConversationLook, the EyesDialogue tour with Dr. med. Alina Völker, ophthalmologist and Thomas Thiel, Director MGKSiegen (more)
SAT. 17.5. 4 pm iCalPublic TourLook, the EyesThemed tour “queer read”, on the International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Inter-, and Transphobia (more)
SUN. 18.5. 11 am iCalSpecial EventInternational Museum's Day Open museum with activities, workshops, quizzes and guided tours (more)
THU. 5.6. 6 pm iCalPublic TourLook, the EyesCuratorial tour with Jessica Schiefer and Thomas Thiel (more)
WED. 11.6. 5 pm iCalPublic TourLook, the EyesIn simple language with Nicole Kreckel, Head of Education and Mediation (more)