händehoch/entblößt, Flight and fleeting moments in Miriam Cahn’s art
Lecture by Burcu Dogramaci
Based on Miriam Cahn's book DAS ZORNIGE SCHREIBEN (2019), the lecture is dedicated to the images of refugees and paintings of obscenely displayed sexuality in works by the Swiss artist. Thus, it is based on the thesis that Cahn not only wields the pen "angrily", but the word also describes her painting. For she never lightly serves the longing for compassion (with the refugees), makes no accusation and offers no appeasement in politically stormy times. Rather, she exposes the continuity of violence, experience of foreignness, and xenophobia, questioning an unambiguous division between one's own and the foreigner(s).
Equally fragile, her works formulate the boundaries between desire for and revulsion of the violent images that incessantly surround us.
Burcu Dogramaci is professor of art history at the LMU Munich.
She researches on exile and migration, photography, architecture, urbanity, textile arts, history of art history, live art. She leads the ERC-project METROMOD on six global cities as places of refuge for emigrated modern artists (https://metromod.net) and is co-director of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Dis:connectivity in Globalization Processes.
Ticket included in the entrance fee. Please take notice of our current safety guidelines.
The lecture is in German. It will be recorded and provided on YouTube afterwards. The event is part of a series in cooperation with the Art History Department at the University of Siegen and the Art History Institute at the University of Cologne.

Portrait of Burcu Dogramaci, Photo: Simone Scardovelli