Dear Aby Warburg
What can be done with images?
€ 29 incl. VAT
Edited by Eva Schmidt and Ines Rüttinger
Introduction by Eva Schmidt
Texts by Ludwig Seyfarth and Thomas Hense, and texts on the artists by 22 other authors
Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg
Starting out from an enduring fascination with the Mnemosyne Atlas by Aby Warburg, this reference in the title also pays homage to the 'artistic' art historian. While two projects refer in a concrete way to the work of Aby Warburg, the references of the other works are more associative in character. Today – from the viewpoint of contemporary art – we value Warburg's Mnemosyne Atlas because it displays variable, non-systematic ordering parameters, but also because the combination of divergent picture sources and their carrying materials and fixtures – as an aesthetic unity – appears extremely provisional and haptic. The new availability of reproductions in Warburg's time suggested the examination of images and their potential for making a statement in conjunction with other images, and the proposal and testing of hypotheses with the aid of such ensembles. Today, the availability of reproduced images is taken for granted more than ever. Artists: Özlem Altin, Tobias Buche, Mariana Castillo Deball, Marianna Christofides, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Katalin Deér, Thea Djordjadze, Hervé Garcia, Cécile Hummel, Franziska Kabisch, Ulrike Kuschel, Alexandra Leykauf, Elke Marhöfer, Katrin Mayer, Lia Perjovschi, Manfred Pernice, Abigail Reynolds, Paula Roush, Ines Schaber & Stefan Pente, Eske Schlüters, Batia Suter, Simon Wachsmuth and Haegue Yang.
ISBN 978-3-86828-367-9
15,5 × 23 cm
380 pages, various coloured illustrations
German, English