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Groundbreaking ceremony and start of building work on the extension at Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen

It’s starting! Attended by representatives of the Ministry for Culture and Science North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW), the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein, and the City of Siegen, the groundbreaking ceremony for the extension building at Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen took place on December 10, 2024, in the city. The event (on the building site and still existent parking lot behind the museum) represented a key milestone in the realisation of the new building. At the same time, it marked the start of construction work for the planned extension based on designs by architects Kleihues + Kleihues.

First breaking of ground for the extension of the Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen on 10.12.2024. The photo shows (from left to right): Architect Prof Jan Kleihues, District Administrator Andreas Müller, District of Siegen-Wittgenstein, NRW Minister of Culture Ina Brandes, MdL, Steffen Mues, Mayor of the University City of Siegen, Prof Dr Christian Spies, President of the Peter Paul Rubens Foundation, and Museum Director Thomas Thiel. Photo: MGKSiegen/Carsten Schmale

MGKSiegen extension, view from the south. Design: Kleihues + Keihues.

The museum’s successful work, the steady growth of the Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection through acquisitions, and the incorporation of new forms of presentation and outreach have led to an urgent need for expansion. In the coming two years, the planned extension will increase the available museum space by around 300 m2 on three floors. To meet the needs of the continually growing collection, an up-to-date museum depot will be created on the ground floor. The middle level will see the addition of an events room for various purposes. On the top floor, the exhibition space will be extended with a high space lit from above.

The extension is being financed with public funds from the Federal Government Department for Culture and Media (BKM) and the Ministry of Culture and Science North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW), each to the tune of 5.4 million euros, as well as with 1 million euros from the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein. In the context of an extended cooperation agreement, the University City of Siegen will continue to permit the MGKSiegen to use the municipal site and the existing building free of charge. The Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen gGmbH is the construction client for the extension.  

The unusually generous, private commitment of our patron Barbara Lambrecht-Schadeberg is particularly noteworthy; ahead of the building measures, she declared herself willing to take on the planning costs for the extension and to ensure the future of the MGKSiegen with an additional endowment analogous to the promised public funding. In this way, the partnership and mutual commitment between the public authorities and the Peter Paul Rubens Foundation were underlined once more.  

Patron Barbara Lambrecht-Schadeberg explains:
“The extension is a major concern of mine, ensuring as it does that the MGKSiegen is ideally equipped for the future. In particular, I am delighted that a larger, more suitable depot is being constructed for the ever-growing Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection.
I would like to thank the Federation, the state, and the district for their generous financial support of our project. It is good to know that my own additional endowment of the Peter Paul Rubens Foundation will help guarantee the everyday running and projects of the MGKSiegen in years to come.”

Prof Dr Christian Spies, President of the Peter Paul Rubens Foundation:  
“The extension is a milestone in the still young history of the Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen. We can look back on 23 years of very successful museum and exhibition work. Above all, the ever-growing collection and the diverse activities make a new depot and a large event space necessary.  On behalf of the Peter Paul Rubens Foundation and the MGKSiegen Supervisory Board, I am delighted with the generous financial contributions and the co-operation with the federal, state, district and city governments. My special thanks go to our patron Barbara Lambrecht-Schadeberg for her generous foresight into the future of our museum.”

For Thomas Thiel, Director of MGKSiegen, today is an important step on the way to realising the extension:
“I am delighted that after a four-year planning, application and approval phase, we have now received the first funding and can begin construction. I would like to thank Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) and the German Bundestag, Minister of Culture Ina Brandes and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, District Administrator Andreas Müller and the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein, Mayor Mues and the university town of Siegen, and last but not least our patron Barbara Lambrecht-Schadeberg and the Peter Paul Rubens Foundation for their support. I am delighted that the extension will make our museum in Siegen even more attractive for all visitors in the future.”

MGKSiegen extension, aerial view. Design: Kleihues + Keihues.

At the press conference, all those involved underlined the significance and necessity of this building measure.

State Minister for Culture, Claudia Roth:
“Its magnificent collection of top-quality art makes the Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen into a beacon in Germany’s cultural scene. This continually growing collection is now receiving, with the extension building, a setting that also befits it architecturally. This has come about through the exemplary, joint commitment of private individuals and public authorities. My particular thanks go to the Peter Paul-Rubens Foundation and its founder Barbara Lambrecht-Schadeberg.”

Ina Brandes, Minister for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW):
“When a museum needs an extension, it is an expression of excellent work. The Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen 's recipe for success: Exhibitions with international appeal, an accompanying, highly interesting educational programme and a private collection with a passionate patron. I can only congratulate Siegen and North Rhine-Westphalia on this treasure trove and wish it a successful construction!’

District Councillor Andreas Müller explained the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein’s commitment:
“The MGKSiegen is not only a museum of international status – it is also a true magnet for art lovers across the region, as well as being a place of learning for schoolchildren from the whole of Siegen-Wittgenstein. I am delighted that the district is supporting the MGKSiegen’s successful work with 1 million euros from its cultural promotion fund, helping to facilitate an extension to the museum building to meet the growing claims made upon it.”

Mayor Steffen Mues said:
“For Siegen, the Museum of Contemporary Art has not only long been a shining cultural flagship far beyond the state's borders. Located in the heart of our university city, which is currently reinventing itself, the MGKSiegen is also an important, identity-forming link between Siegen's past and future, both in terms of the renowned art collections located there and the architecture of the building, as well as in terms of the people who have been experiencing art here for many years. I am delighted that the new extension will ensure this for the future thanks to the generous contributions of all the partners involved — and especially thanks to the support of our esteemed honorary citizen and patron Barbara Lambrecht-Schadeberg!’

Architect Prof. Jan Kleihues from the architectural office Kleihues+Kleihues spoke as follows:
“We are delighted that to follow the first extension by Josef Paul Kleihues in 2000 we have also been commissioned to create a second extension building and are now able to plan the completion of the museum. This is a small but very special task that we will implement with gratitude and devotion to the building. It would have been unthinkable without the commitment of all those involved, both among politicians and on the part of all our construction partners, but above all by the patron, Ms. Barbara Lambrecht-Schadeberg.”

Thus, the calculated building costs can still be estimated at 11.8 million euros, also including rises in the construction index and risk cost. Currently, the details of the realisation are to be clarified, based on re-assessed design planning. As the project progresses, initial measures to prepare for building will be carried out on site, after which it will be possible to begin excavating the construction trench and laying the foundation of the new building. During the construction period, the MGKSiegen will remain open, showing various exhibitions.