Improvised soundscapes
To be able to devote oneself completely to the experience in time is the great gift of music to all of us. It is able to take us into fantastic spheres even if we remain bound to time and space. With this romantic view of musical creation, Achim Weiss combines electronic sound worlds with spontaneous improvisations in the concert series “After Thinking”. This results in interesting musical excursions that offer the listener a wide spectrum of associations. The new small series at the MGK also wants to address an audience that is open to experimental music. For the concert Achim Weiss was able to win the internationally renowned tenor saxophonist Gerd Dudek. He will improvise on Achim Weiss' sound creations as well as engage in spontaneous musical exchange with him.
Pianist Joachim Weiss is one of the most active and versatile musicians on the Siegen scene. He comes from the “much-sung” town of Wanne Eickel (Herne 2) and worked for a long time with many of the new jazz musicians from the Pott. The Siegen scene knows him as a faithful pianist of the Uni-BigBand and member of various local jazz formations. With the “Achim 3” in the typical classical piano/bass/drums sound and with the SSW Trio rather on the search for new sound structures with fusions with other music styles. So SSW will meet the rappers Lou Lettow and MC in a concert at the Lyz on 29.10. Joachim Weiß used the lull in performances at the time of Corona to release ambient piano music at its best under his pseudonym “Joaqino Bianco”.
With Gerd Dudek (saxophone) and Achim Weiß (piano)
€ 16 regular / € 13 circle of friends / € 10 reduced (students, trainees etc.)
Tickets available at the box office

Achim Weiß and Gerd Dudek, Photo: Thomas Rosenthal