Siegen's ART day
Motto Art Trails
Siegen’s ART day is an annual event with many participants from Siegen’s artistic and cultural fields. Museums, galleries, art clubs, artist groups and artists show their works, installations, performances, participatory workshopsand more throughout the city of Siegen. Because of the COVID pandemic, the event could not take place in 2020, which is why the motto “Art Trails” was postponed to 2021. The restrictions accompany us this year as well:
This year’s ART day takes the form of an outdoor city walk. At various places passers-by can discover art and cultural moments on facades, on video screens or behind windows. The ART day takes place exclusively outside and visitors are asked to respect the current hygiene and distancing rules. On a digital map at you can find the places and people that participate. The van of gruppe 3/55 is out and about to show art on wheels at a variety of places.