THU. 3.4. 6 pm iCalMusicAfterthoughtImprovised Soundscapes with Joachim Weiss and Eckard Koltermann (more)
WED. 9.4. 5 pm iCalPublic TourLook, the EyesIn simple language with Nicole Kreckel, Head of Education and Mediation (more)
THU. 8.5. 6 pm iCalConversationLook, the EyesDialogue tour with Dr. med. Alina Völker, ophthalmologist and Thomas Thiel, Director MGKSiegen (more)
THU. 15.–SUN. 18.5. iCalFreundeskreisExcursionArt trip to Kopenhagen. Only for Members of the Circle of Friends (more)
SAT. 17.5. 4 pm iCalPublic TourLook, the EyesThemed tour “queer read”, on the International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Inter-, and Transphobia (more)
SUN. 18.5. 11 am iCalSpecial EventInternational Museum's Day Open museum with activities, workshops, quizzes and guided tours (more)
THU. 5.6. 6 pm iCalPublic TourLook, the EyesCuratorial tour with Jessica Schiefer and Thomas Thiel (more)
WED. 11.6. 5 pm iCalPublic TourLook, the EyesIn simple language with Nicole Kreckel, Head of Education and Mediation (more)