Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection Contemporary Art Collection
Our Present
The Collections of the MGKSiegen
The artistic perspectives of the Rubens Prize winners in the Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection are brought together with works from the collection of Contemporary Art. This new presentation of the MGKSiegen collections can be understood as bringing the past to mind in the present. The exhibition conveys a multi-perspective on diverse ideas about the contemporary.
Our Present, Exhibition view, MGKSiegen, Work by Isaac Julien, Encore, 2003, Courtesy der Künstler, Work by Dan Graham, Rock my Religion, 1983-85, Courtesy der Künstler, Work by Stephen Willats, Fifteen Feet by Eight Feet and there are Two of us Here, 1980, Courtesy der Künstler, Foto: Philipp Ottendörfer
Our Present, Exhibition view, MGKSiegen, Works by Bridget Riley, Studies, Tracings, 1980-2009, Clepsydra I, 1976, Courtesy the artist, Photo: Philipp Ottendörfer