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The collections

Tours and workshops for schoolchildren

Mystery Museum

How do the paintings end up on the museum wall and what does Rubens have to do with it?

Every museum has a collection. Among other things, our museum collects the Rubens Prize winners from the city of Siegen. We will find out exactly who they are and what themes artists such as Miriam Cahn, Cy Twombly and Sigmar Polke deal with on a tour of the MGKSiegen. Meanwhile, the participants will find out what jobs there are in the museum and what happens behind the scenes.

In the workshop, we will develop our own museum in an artistic and practical way. What works would be on the walls, what would the building look like and who would work here?

(kindergarten, elementary school)


With all senses

In a museum, we learn an enormous amount about visual information and thus the sense of sight; but how does our perception change when we explore the museum using multiple senses? In an experimental tour through the exhibition, we explore barriers that we find in the museum space and test how fruitful it can be to perceive works of art by feeling, hearing and in dialog. Inspired by these impressions, in the subsequent workshop barriers are put into pictures, supplementary audio tracks are created or tactile sculptures are made.

(secondary school I, secondary school II)

For children up to the age of 10, we recommend a workshop duration of 90 minutes. For children aged 11 and over, a workshop duration of 120 minutes is also possible.

Project days, or workshops lasting several days are possible by arrangement.
For pupils from 5th grade up to 13th grade.



Guided tour (duration 60 min) - maximum 20 pupils / group, € 32 plus admission (€ 1 per pupil; € 1 per accompanying teacher; free with school annual pass)

Guided tour with workshop (duration 120 min) - maximum 15 pupils / group, € 43 plus admission (€ 1 per pupil; € 1 per accompanying teacher; free with school annual pass)

Lucian Freud, Eli, 2002, The Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection, © The Estate of Lucian Freud/Bridgeman Images
