New Discoveries
When the unfamiliar is added, it becomes possible to experience the familiar in a new way - this is the intention of the MGKSiegen’s annually changing exhibitions of the collection.
This year's presentation focuses on a twofold discovery. On the one hand, new works by Francis Bacon, Anna Boghiguian, Miriam Cahn and Hans Hartung will be on show for the first time; on the other hand, it will be possible to rediscover familiar positions. The exhibition is being organised in individual rooms for the respective artists. In this way, it aims to trace artistic developments and make it possible to experience the different phases, changes and breaks that occur. Like the staging of a play, a collection can be performed and discovered over and over again.
With works by:
Francis Bacon, Anna Boghiguian, Miriam Cahn, Vajiko Chachkhiani, Lucian Freud, Rupprecht Geiger, Hans Hartung, Lena Henke, Maria Lassnig, Giorgio Morandi, Sigmar Polke, Bridget Riley, Emil Schumacher, Antoni Tàpies, Niele Toroni, Cy Twombly und Fritz Winter.
Curated by Prof. Dr. Christian Spies and Ines Rüttinger