Focus on
Manifestations of Colour
The detachment of colour from reproduced objects – Bridget Riley and Rupprecht Geiger handle this major modernist theme in very different ways.

Bridget Riley, Blue Return, 1984, The Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection, MGKSiegen, Courtesy the artist
Early on, Rupprecht Geiger began his work on completely transforming paintings into colour fields. In the process he not only experimented with formats but also deliberately heightened colour contrasts. Bridget Riley is concerned with seeing colours and experiencing their interplay. In her studies she already investigates the way that coloured stripes, diamonds and semicircles set the viewer in motion. Even before it represents anything else, Riley and Geiger show that a painting is primarily a manifestation of colour.
Apart from the exhibition “Focus on: Manifestations of Colour” selected works and series from all thirteen Rubens Prize Winners of the City of Siegen are permanently displayed on the first floor.