Künstlergespräch mit Soham Gupta, Thomas Seelig, Leiter der Fotografischen Sammlung, Museum Folkwang, Essen und Direktor Thomas Thiel im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Nach August Sander. Menschen des 21. Jahrhunderts“ (28.01. - 29.5.22)
Artist talk with Soham Gupta, Thomas Seelig (Museum Folkwang, Essen) and Director Thomas Thiel.
(English sequence starts around 4:30min)
As early as 10 years ago, Soham Gupta began photographing people he encountered in the darkness by Howrah Bridge in the Indian megacity, Calcutta. While these snapshots – glaring flash images set against dark backdrops – have a certain fleeting character and convey the impression of spontaneous shots, they are in fact the partly staged results of a development in the relationship between the photographer and the respective sitter. The talk took place in context of the exhibition “After August Sander. People of the 21st century” (28.1. - 29.5.22) at MGKSiegen.